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A member registered Mar 19, 2023

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I'm going to be 100 with you. Make the default controls wasd

OMG I finallty found a good game just for it to end in like 2 minutes make more PLZZZZZZZZ~!!!!!!!!!!

Wow such an amzing game please make sequel next year. ily

I gamered so hard on that test, I gotred 30/100 thats above the average for geussing 

omg I m aded red boy mad i feel so bad. You know who else would like this mod. ME!

Me rn

Epic game, I loved tjhe ambious chose to not give the player a gun but to only allow them to attack with powerups

There is an unspoken rule with platformers that no one has seemed to ralk and it is if you play as a square and nothing more it will be a good game, I'm so glad that ruled carried over to this game

Wow I really liked the game, it reminded me of hp;llow knight the only issue i had withb ti was attacking. And the fact I could not leave zone 1 without the ngame softlocking

Invisible walls are cringe fix ur game design and let the player explore ooewe

It was so cool when I downloaded the screena and saw the crying robot telling me 404. Truly inspirational

I beat the game on the game over screen somehow or at least I like to think that i beat the game there

It was fun until the game just decided to stop working but those first 12 levels were indeed fun

I got softlocke on phase 2

Wow this game was so bas I could not eben do a loopity loop

My favorite parts og playing unitycrash handler was how smoothly it did not crash

I shed a tear paling this msterpiece trul;y I cant belive how much pleasure i got from throwing big blue balls at nthe red boys. I played 3three times and after the 3rd play throiugh i jumped pff the edge of the mape because there was no point to liove if not to throw baalls atred boys

I could not play the game because it was a rar file and when i sttried to convert the file to zip it would niot let me because it was too vig. this looks like an gaming game tho dont you agree

Wowzers that sure was an awesome ame, when i went and scrared those people and they ran away I dont know why the black ones weren't scared tho, eems mpretty strange if you ask me. Anyways epic game

The best part about this game was when I clicked the buttp, and then the lihts came out of the closet. And I was like that is so cool good for you

The fist actually good game I played tonight

You know what, this was actually one of the better games I played tonight despite that msuic awakening demons in my house